Applying for a job requires numerous requirements, but with the help of the National Bureau of Investigation, which offers free NBI clearance for first-time job seekers, it will reduce the financial burden for job applicants. According to the law made by the Philippine government, the First-Time Job Seeker Act, or Republic Act 11261, is a law signed to solve the problem of high unemployment for Filipinos in the Philippines. This law waives the charges and fees for pre-employment requirements for first-time job seekers. This act was made to increase the employment of Filipinos who are unemployed.

To claim the free NBI clearance, applicants need to provide a barangay certificate confirming their residency for at least six months and must indicate their status as first-time job seekers. To obtain a first-time job seeker barangay certification, applicants have to visit the barangay office and inform the secretary they will use the certificate to claim the free first-time job seeker in NBI clearance.

There are three easy step-by-step guides for applying for NBI clearance for first-time job seekers:

  • Register at the NBI Website – Register for first-time job seekers at the NBI website.
  • Fill Out the Application Form – Fill out the information needed on your application form.
  • Schedule NBI Clearance Appointment – Select the NBI branch and the date and time you desire for your NBI clearance appointment. This article will give details about the law created for first-time job seekers and provide a step-by-step guide on how first-time job seekers may claim their free NBI clearance.

    Who is Eligible for the Free NBI Clearance?

    Not only the NBI clearance is free for first-time job seekers, but also Police clearance, birth certificate, tin number, and marriage certificate. The free NBI clearance offered by the National Bureau of Investigation is exclusively for first-time job seeker applicants who meet the qualifications. Below is the list of qualifications needed to claim the free NBI clearance.

    • Job applicants that have never been employed before.
    • Job applicants age 18 and above who are legal to work.
    • Job applicants who are Filipino Citizens.
    • Job applicants who have never claimed an NBI clearance before.
    • Job applicants with barangay certification certifying that you are a first-time job seeker.


    Job applicants who meet the qualifications above can now proceed in processing their NBI clearance. Registration at the NBI website is one of the steps for applicants to claim their free clearance. Below is the step-by-step guide on how to register and claim the first-time job seeker.

    Step 1: Register at the NBI Website

    For first-time job applicants, Go to the NBI website to register and create an account.

    First Time Jobseekers Registration

    Just like the image above, click the “First-Time Jobseeker” and fill out your information, check and agree on the terms and conditions, then check the “Recaptcha” box to register as a first-time job seeker.

    Note: Your mobile phone number and email address must be active because the NBI will send you an OTP and email verification.

    Check the message sent by NBI to your phone number and enter the 6-digit one-time password. Next, you will receive a message of your activation link to your email account. Check your email, look for the message sent by the NBI, and then click “Activate Account“.

    Step 2: Fill Out the Application Form

    NBI Clearance Profile

    Once you successfully activate your account, go back to the NBI website and “Sign In.” Log in using your email and password. Fill out the application form for a first-time job seeker, then click the “Save Information.” After saving your information, a profile preview will appear; check if all your information is correct, then click the “Submit” button.

    Just like the image below on the left side of your profile account, click the apply for clearance, and it will ask for the type of ID you are going to use. Select your valid ID and ID number, then click “I Agree” to proceed with scheduling your appointment.

    NBI Clearance Reference Number Process

    Step 3: Schedule NBI Clearance Appointment

    Select your desired branch of the NBI center, and then choose your available date and time. You will see the details of your selected NBI branch and the date and time on the left side. It also noted that your NBI clearance is free.

    NBI Clearance Schedule Appointment

    Once you save your appointment, you will receive your “Reference Number“. It will indicate that you need to bring a barangay certificate for a first-time job seeker that contains an oath of undertaking at the barangay. You will also provide 2 valid IDs.

    Go to your profile and check your transaction details. Click the Details in the action table to print your application form. Do not forget to screenshot your reference number and print it.

    NBI Clearance Reference Number Process

    After finishing your NBI online application, wait for the day of your appointment and go to the NBI branch you select with your application form, barangay certificate for first-time job seekers, two valid IDs, and printed reference number.

    Agencies that Offer and Covered by the First-Time Job Seekers Act

    Several agencies are covered by the First-Time Job Seeker Act. These agencies provide an exemption from collecting fees and charges for first-time job applicants to reduce the financial burden on applicants who are just starting their professional journey. Below is the list of agencies that offer free charge for first-time job seekers.

    • National Bureau of Investigation – NBI clearance
    • Philippine National Police – Police clearance
    • Philippine Statistic Authority – Birth Certificate and Marriage Certificate
    • Barangay Offices – Barangay Certificate
    • Bureau of Internal Revenue – Tax Identification Number
    • Public Government Hospitals – Medical Certificate


    Overall, a first-time job applicant can claim and receive a free NBI clearance as long as the qualifications are met and the requirements needed are provided. Follow the step-by-step guide above for a smooth and easy NBI application. We hope that this guide for first-time job seekers will help you with your application. For more questions, don’t hesitate to ask and leave a message below. Good luck with your application to first-time job seekers!

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